Monday, November 5, 2007

The Heart of a Giver

There sure are a lot of teachings on giving . . . how to give, why to give, how much to give. It's just human nature to try to come up with a formula. And in the old testament, God obliged them. He gave them rules about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!! (I don't see how anyone could have even remembered all the rules, much less obeyed them.) Then came the new covenent. And suddenly it wasn't about all the rules anymore, it was about the heart.

If I were going to do a teaching on giving, this is what it would be:

First and foremost, talk to God. Do whatever He puts in your heart to do, and do it gladly. Don't measure it against anyone or anything else. Just gladly do what He asks you to do.
Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17

If you do what you do out of love for God and out of love for His people, you're going to be on the right track.

Even if you make a wrong decision, if your heart is right, God will still be pleased. Mistakes will be made no matter how hard we try. But He knows how to help us make adjustments, and we should have every confidence that He'll get us where we need to be.

Be as happy when your resources cause things to go well for others as you would be if you used them for yourself! Understand that what you do for others, you are doing for God!

Learn to put others first. If someone has a need and you can help, then help!! Whether it's with money, or whether it's putting your plans on hold to go help them move a couch, do what you can do! Of course, it's important to remember you can't help EVERYONE! That's why you should not act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what God wants you to do. You're no good to anyone if you burn out.

Trust God. Trust that He will take care of you no matter what. If He asks you to do something that seems big, don't think twice about it! Just do it! He will take care of you. And if He asks you to do less than someone else, just do it. Don't feel guilty or condemned. Trust Him. He knows what He is doing, and He understands the big picture far more than any of us ever will.

And finally, just live generously! You can't give what you don't have, but be generous with what you do have! If your piggy bank is empty and you have nothing but encouragement to give, then give it generously!! Maybe your part to play is to spur others on who CAN give money! Do you know how many people there are who have a harder time giving TIME than MONEY? Some people would much rather just write a check than give up an evening at home. Don't assume if time is all you have to give, that you aren't generous.

Play your part and play it generously! Give what He has put in your heart to give . . . share it with others!

. . . . . . And let your heart rejoice, knowing you've done what God has asked you to do!