Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Hope is in You, Lord

We used to sing a song that went like this:

My life is in you, Lord
My strength is in you, Lord
My hope is in you, Lord
In you, it's in you.

I loved that song. I still do, actually. It's a wonderful reminder of how absolutely everything is wrapped up in Him.

Today I was thinking about this verse:

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick. At first I thought I could really relate to that. I've had some pretty high hopes lately that I felt were quite "deferred". But it led to the question....What had I put my hope in? If my hope is really in Him, is it possible for it to be deferred?

No doubt, there are things in this life we would like to see happen. Circumstances we'd like to see changed. Things that would make our lives so much easier. But we can never allow our hope to be in that circumstance. Our hope must remain in Him.

Can we believe that no matter what we see, He is in control and He knows exactly the right thing to do? Can we really believe that? Can we believe that if our hope is in Him, our dreams will be fulfilled beyond our wildest imaginations?  Hope is a crucial part of our lives. It leads directly to that tree of life that is promised for dreams fulfilled. There is great anticipation and excitement that comes with hope.

And if we keep our hope in Him....our hope will never be deferred.