Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sailing into the Wind

I was really frustrated with myself yesterday. I told Leonard I am tossed to and fro by the wind and the sea. If someone says something nice to me, I'm on top of the world. If someone else says something critical, I'm totally deflated.

And so it goes, all the day long. Up and down, and up and down. Now, I'm a relatively mature Christian... I am comfortable knowing that all that really matters is what God thinks, and that all the ups and downs are just part of the journey. But the reality is, I am still affected by what people say to me. Then I remember the sails.

We were out at the lake one Tuesday night this summer, and I saw a sailboat moving at a pretty good clip across the lake. They were moving with the wind and really getting up some good speed. But it occurred to me they may have a little trouble when it comes time to get back. I asked Brian how they were ever going to get back again, and he told me they can actually set their sails a certain way and sail right into the wind. Amazing.

So now I wonder, "How can I adjust my sails?" It's so easy to be carried along the waters when the wind is with you. When people are encouraging you, and seeing all the good things in you. I can get going at a pretty good clip myself. But what about when they're critical? Or just plain mean? How can I learn to still make forward progress when the winds are against me?

It's all in adjusting the sails.

Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don't try to get them back. Do to others as you would like them to do to you.

Surely he couldn't be serious. We actually talked quite a bit about this last weekend. Certainly Jesus is not telling us to be a doormat. So what is he saying? It occured to me this morning that maybe he is explaining to us how to adjust our sails... and as I reread the above passage out of Luke 6, this is what I heard:

"Sometimes people are just going to be mean... but don't let that stop you. Do whatever you have to do to preserve the relationship. Reach out to them, love them. Don't let this be about what's been said or done... that's neither here nor there. What it's really about...what it's ALWAYS about... is building the relationship. Let me use you to show them my love. And in the end, the relationship may turn out to be exactly the one you wanted."

So, as I adjust my sails, suddenly every unkind word becomes a challenge. It's no longer about me--it's about them. What is it I can do to help you feel loved and appreciated? How can I help to resolve these bad feelings? What can I do or say to make our relationship stronger?

Hmmmm... I think I've got some people to talk to....

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