Friday, September 14, 2007

Faithless Faith

Time and time again, I find myself in this place. I know You are there, and I know you will never leave me. I know of Your power and Your love and Your infinite wisdom. I remember the times You have rescued me and my family... even at the times when we didn't deserve any help.

I know who You are. And yet I find myself in this place. Once again, I wonder... what is going to happen? Will you help us? Will everything be okay? What if all the darkness of the world is just too much this time? What if you decide to teach us a hard lesson? What if it all falls apart?

But then I remember the truth. My life doesn't revolve around my plans. If my plans don't work out, You will still be there... loving us, and still in total control. I do believe that You will take care of us. Whether we're on our faces or not. I do believe You are involved in this whole process and that You have a plan. I won't be so presumptious as to say that I know my interpretation of your plan is infallible. Sometimes I think I know just what You're doing, only to find out it took a whole different form.

But I know you're doing something here. I know you've brought us to this place. I know... I can FEEL... that you are leading us forward. And once again, I want to tell you...whatever you want to do with our lives is okay with us. We want to live our lives for you. Just show us the way. Show us what road you want us to travel, and that is what we'll do. You are an amazing and loving God. My heart is overfilled with love for you. How could I begin to trust anything or anyone but You? Take our lives, Oh Lord, and use them as you wish. We love You, and our hearts' desire is to live for You alone.

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