Thursday, January 31, 2008

Insights from Penny

Last night in our Small Group we were talking about the things I've been posting about lately (not Ellie . . . the other things). We talked about perspective . . . if and how your perspective changes your ability to deal with life. In the midst of the conversation, Penny shared an insight that I think is absolutely amazing. It hits the nail on the head, so to speak.

Penny said that she realized at one point in time that she tends to make mountains out of molehills. Sometimes she could see that they were just molehills, but other times they looked like mountains. I asked her if she had figured out why, and the answer was AMAZING! She said that sometimes she has the perspective of an ant. To an ant, the molehill looks like a mountain, but to God it looks like a molehill. The molehill/mountain isn't what changes . . . the perspective is what changes. If we're looking with the ant's perspective, it's a huge mountain. If we're looking with God's perspective, it's nothing but a little molehill. What a great revelation, Penny!

Now, it would stand to reason that throughout our journey God will put us in circumstances & work things in our lives to help us have His perspective more and more often. I know when I was in my 20's I saw a lot more mountains than molehills. What has caused this to change? The life experiences God has taken me through. The more times I get to the end of a trial and see the mountain wasn't nearly as unconquerable as I thought, the more it helps me to keep proper perspective the next time.

I have really avoided saying this outloud for fear of getting too many trials, but something deep inside of me almost looks forward to the trials in my life now. It's kind of a "Bring It On!" attitude because I KNOW there is nothing so big that God can't walk me through it. And I KNOW that God is going to show me something, teach me something, DO SOMETHING inside of me that will make me closer to Him in the end! Now, I must admit that even now I feel like I should go back and erase that before I have to eat my words, but I just can't. This is really a momentous occasion in my life, because I know that although I'm not equipped within myself to handle the mountains, I serve a God who can see they are nothing but molehills. And I want to see through His eyes. I want to have His perspective. And what better way to gain His perspective than to go through something BIG together!

I think we have done the Kingdom of God a disservice. We have made life too much about this world. I know I have. To God, the whole earth probably looks like a little molehill. But when it comes to our hearts, our integrity, our relationships . . . all the things that are eternal . . . I think that's the mountain He wants to help us climb.

So get your hiking boots on, and meet me at the mountain! I think God has some really IMPORTANT things to teach us!

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