Friday, January 4, 2008

The Guy Who Has Everything

Sometimes I'm at a loss for what to do next. Most of the time, I feel a burning deep in my soul. I want to do something significant for God. I am so deeply aware of all He has done for me, and I want to do something that will express the magnitude of the love I feel for Him. I try to think of what I could possibly do that would mean so much to Him. But everything pales in comparison to what He's done for me. Talk about trying to think of something to give the guy who has everything.

I know His desire is for our love, our hearts. And He certainly has mine. But that seems like such an insignificant gift. He deserves so much more.

But if I'm honest, there is never a time I feel like I've given Him everything. I mean, I FEEL like I couldn't possibly love Him or appreciate Him any more than I do. That love often feels like it's just going to come bursting out of me. But there are certainly areas in my life that I can see I haven't surrendered. How about being critical? Or the multitude of other bad attitudes that can surface in me? I try to keep a good attitude, but I fail. And it reminds me how much I need Him. Then He picks me up, forgives me, and lets me try again. And instead of doing something for him, it once again turns into something He's done for me.

Being a parent myself, I decided to ponder the things my daughters have given me that have meant the most to me. And I quickly see that God truly has created us in His own image. Nothing means more to me than their love. Not just their love for me, but their love for others. When Leonard and I see them pouring out their hearts and serving others . . . when they defend someone they see others trying to hurt . . . when they do something to try to bring hope to someone who is sad . . . it just doesn't get any better than that. It's the greatest gift they could ever give us. When they show their love for others, we can feel their love for us.

So I guess instead of trying to figure out that spectacular thing I could do for God, I should just pay attention to what He said. He's told us straight out what He wants the most. What we do for others, we do for Him.

And I certainly understand how that warms His heart.

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