Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And then what?

Today I think I want to continue where my last entry left off.

I think it's important to absorb the truth that what's good for us spiritually doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what seems good to us in the world. It's important to understand that even though it may seem like God is punishing us because of our circumstances, it's more likely true that He's doing the best thing for us in terms of spiritual growth. Or, even if it's not Him doing it . . . even if what's happening is Satan's dirty work or a result of our own bad judgment . . . He still promises to use all things for our good. He'll somehow help us grow through the circumstances if we just listen.

The next question I have is WHY?

I believe the initial reason is that He really does deeply love us and want what's best for us. But to stop there would be tragic. God has made it as clear as He possibly can that we are relational beings. We depend on one another and we need to be there to help one another. So as God helps us grow and mature, it does benefit us -- but it should never stop there. We should always be looking for ways to share what we have so it can benefit others.

But here's something that's always been tricky. As God gives revelation, as we grow in knowledge and in truth, it's tempting to look down on those who aren't as "enlightened" as we are. Sam Kaiser spoke on this very thing in church Sunday, and one thing he said has really helped me put this into perspective.

He said he never wants to look down on someone he is helping, so he always makes a point of looking up to them. What a great life attitude. And I think it's the very attitude Jesus exhibited when he washed the disciples' feet. It's with man's perspective that we, the enlightened ones, try to help those "less fortunate than ourselves". But it's with God's perspective that we realize that anything we have is only because of Him, and that the reason He wants us to help this person is because He deeply loves them. It's with God's perspective that we realize HE is the one who is really helping them . . . we're just passing along information He gave us. And since He gave it to us with love and compassion, we should pass it along the same way.

Picture it. You see a homeless man on the street, and as you look UP to him, you offer whatever help you have to give . . . a blanket, a warm drink, some encouragement. Or maybe there's someone within your own church that has just ALWAYS struggled. Maybe you avoid them because you're tired of trying to help them--they just don't get it. But now you look UP to them and you see they are God's beloved. You see they may be more honorable than you are because they have NOT gotten it, and have still continued to faithfully come before God day after day and week after week. How strong must they be to continue to put their trust in God when they haven't seen the truth? And it warms your heart to realize how much harder they've fought in the battle. Suddenly you realize that God wants to refresh them with a glass of water, and He's simply sending you to deliver it. They are on the front lines, and you are the delivery boy. There's a perspective for you!

All of this just makes my head spin. It is so contrary to the world's thinking. But I'm almost 46 years old and I thank God. Because it's high time I quit thinking like the world.

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