Monday, December 14, 2009

The Stinky Barn

For the first time in my life, it has hit me. The impact of what God was saying to us by choosing to be born not in a palace, not in a hotel, not even in someone's guest room, but in a stinky has hit me hard.

We have really gone a long way toward "glorifying" his physical surroundings. Those gorgeous manger scenes. Manger is such a nice word for a feeding trough in a stinky barn. It makes me want to write a new song. "Away in a Stinky Barn, no crib for a bed".  And the cattle won't be "lowing". They will moo. And when he wakes up from all the racket the animals are making, baby Jesus will indeed cry. It will be a song about some very real circumstances... and how the glory of God exists right in the midst of it.

And therein lies the message. I am coming to where you are. The God of the universe chose to come to us. He is not put off by the circumstances that surround our lives. He is not afraid of getting dirty. He has chosen... chosen... to come to where we are. Because that is who he is.

But it doesn't stop there. He wants us to do the same. WHAT??? We are CHRISTIANS, after all! We don't belong in places that may get us dirty! When those people are ready, they should come to us. The only problem is... that's not the example He set for us. Now I'm not suggesting we all need to run out and find some sin-filled situation to jump into so we can consider ourselves obedient. I'm merely suggesting we open our eyes and tear down any walls we've unknowingly built up. Be willing. When the time comes and the need presents itself, be willing to step right into a dirty old barn so His love can transform the lives of the people you find there.

There will be a time for living in palaces. But for right now... it's about helping as many people as we can find palaces of their own.

And if it means we have to live in stinky barns for awhile, then so be it.

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