Monday, December 28, 2009

Being filled with the life and power of God....

What does it take to really be filled with the life and power of God? I can't imagine anyone NOT wanting this. There is nothing in this world that could compare to a gift like that. It's the thing I desire with all of my heart.

But how do you get there? Reading the Bible? Surely that must help. But obviously not just reading... really trying to hear from God as you read. That should be a good start.

How about overcoming the sin in our lives? It's no secret that sin slows us down. Life would be so much easier if we could just get past all the things we struggle with.

Doing good for others. There's a good one. We know that's something that is close to God's heart. Really love others. Help them on their journey. Certainly God would pour his life and power into that.

These are all great things. And in 2010 I would like to improve in all these areas. But the problem is, these things don't achieve the goal. You don't receive his life and power from doing these things. In fact, you can't really achieve any of this unless you already have his life and power.

So how do you do it? How do you become filled with this life and power???

Ephesians 3:19   May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Why does it seem we humans always underestimate the power of his love? It can't be that easy. It's got to cost us something. It's got to hurt. We have to pay for it somehow.  Well, it did cost something and someone did pay for it. But it wasn't us.

And when we realize that... if we really understand the depth of what he's done... when we genuinely experience his love... there doesn't need to be a cost. We will freely, joyfully, lavishly give it all.

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