Friday, December 19, 2008

And me without a Plan B

After reading Serenity's post from yesterday, I was absolutely inspired. I determined in my heart that we would go directly home and take family pictures for Christmas! I had been kind of dragging my feet about it since our immediate family (those living under our roof at this time) consisted of Leonard, me, and the boys. Not the cute little expressive boys you can see in Serenity's pictures, but ....yes.... our dogs.

Now, since I've been staying at Rachel's the past week to help with the baby, we can suffice it to say the boys were EXTREMELY excited to see us when we got home. I immediately called my mom to come over and take pictures, beings how they were in such a good mood and all. Then came the pose. We could get them to sit nicely, but as soon as we would sit down by them they immediately would roll to their backs for a belly rub:

So we thought the best bet would be to keep them on their feet... but Kairo, being the big boy he is, can reach a long, long ways to get what he felt was some much needed attention.

Treats! Treats may work. If only mom had the camera on the other side of the room and could hold the treats at the same time.

Can you see the hopeful look on my face as if I believe we can somehow hold them down and convince them to turn their faces toward the camera for a beautiful candid shot?

And if you can believe it, Mom actually said of the following picture, "This one really isn't too bad!" Really, Mom? Aside from the fact that you can't even see Leonard's face, Kairo is hogging the whole shot, Jack just wants his belly rubbed, and I look like if we try even one more picture I may just burst into tears or have some sort of serious breakdown?

So, all that to say, there won't be any cute little pictures with our boys . . . but we still offer the very warmest of Holiday Wishes to all of you! Have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR! From Leonard, Tracy, and the boys!

1 comment:

Serenity said...

So cute!! I'm glad you were inspired and gave it a shot anyway. These pictures will matter to you in the future - even if you don't send them out as cards. :)