Monday, January 5, 2009

Where Life Makes Sense

Life is so full of worries. And yet we're not supposed to worry about them. Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. That's really good advice. It is very calming to stop and pray about everything and realize that you can leave it all in the capable hands of the God of the Universe. But sometimes it's just not very practical.

Jenelle is leaving for college on Thursday. I have been going around and around with the people in the school office trying to find out how much we're going to owe (to the tune of thousands of dollars, people). Here it is three days before we leave and I still don't know how much we're supposed to pay. Terri's son goes to the same college and she said they didn't let them know how much they owed until he had been there for two weeks, then the first payment was due 2 weeks later. Now, that may work fine for Donald Trump, but we kind of need to know what is going to be coming out of our paychecks. And even though this is a Christian college, when the time comes for that first payment I don't think they'll be very comforted by the fact that we've prayed about it and we're confident the God of the Universe will work it out.

These little quandaries pop up all the time. Pray about it, trust God, but in the meantime be sure something gets done about it. And you get enough of these things going on at one time... it can really throw you into a tailspin.

That's why I am so thankful for my comfy bed, because that, my dear friends, is where life makes sense... laying in my comfy bed, in my comfy room with Jack the chocolate lab cuddled up beside me. Oh, I know the day is coming. And I know it will have its challenges. But at those moments, as I lay there in the quiet, I just know God is in control. Those are the times I quit trying to figure everything out. Those are the times God finally gets me to be quiet enough that I can hear His voice. And those are the times I remember that even if nothing ever worked out right again, everything would be okay because I have Him near me, and that's all I need. It brings clarity, and preserves my sanity.

Quiet times with God are a necessity. I suspect in all those times when Jesus went off to be alone, He was heading for his comfy bed. You have to take time to stop the craziness. To let life be simple again. To connect with God and the things that really matter. To relax and enjoy His company.

Pray about everything. Don't worry about anything. TRUST.

It all seems so possible from my comfy bed.

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