Saturday, January 31, 2009

Still Talking about Trust

I just found out this past week that our good friends from North Carolina (originally from Africa) may not get to come back to Nebraska because of the budget cuts at UNL. In fact, they said right now they are just hoping to stay in the U.S. Boy did that ever take some wind out of my sail. Right after we got the news, Leonard and I were eating lunch in our break room. Leonard sat there with a thoughtful look on his face, then said, "This is why we have trouble trusting God."

We talk about that a lot in Small Group. God has proven himself time after time after time to be faithful, loving, and kind. He knows exactly what He's doing. Why do we have such a hard time trusting? And this was a prime example. Since the day our friends sat on our porch in 2004 and broke the news to us they were leaving for North Carolina, we have been anxiously awaiting their return. Through many tears we said our good-byes, knowing the hope that they would be back again would be what sustained us. Lincoln, Nebraska is where they belong. We have become family.

And just like that it feels like all our dreams have been shattered.

Emphasis on "feels like". I have to remind myself that over and over again God comes through. How many times have I had to look back and say, "Well, God, I wouldn't have gotten so worked up about it if I'd have known you were going to work everything out like that." We love these friends deeply. But I know God loves them more. And I know He's paying close attention to what is happening in their lives. And He cares very deeply about the outcome. I know they will be okay because they have a very powerful and loving God on their side. It really doesn't make the ache in my heart go away, but what I want more than anything else for them is the very best God has to give. And He is the only one who knows how to do that. So we're right back to it. Trust. Learning to trust. Learning to believe He is paying close attention. Learning to believe He really cares.

I wonder why it's so hard to believe our lives matter so much to Him. That will be a whole new Small Group topic.

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