Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This is one of those times.

In the middle of all the busyness of life... the deadlines, the errands, the preparations... it's one of those times. I feel something deeper and more pressing. And it urges me to stop.

Stop? How can I stop? There's far too much to do. There are people depending on me. There are deadlines that have to be met. My mind wants to race forward and accomplish it all. But I can't. It's as if I'm unable to move past this place.

There's something deeper and more pressing.

Have you ever had those moments when the reality sets in? The times when you realize the most pressing things in our lives are the things that really don't matter at all? And meanwhile, the things that mean the most to us are getting pushed farther and farther into the background. The things that we live for, the things that are eternal.

The deadlines still have to be met, and I will meet them. But today my heart and soul is focused on the things that matter most to me. Family, friends, and the God who loves us so deeply. My heart is dwelling in a different place than where I am.

Or maybe where I am has taken on a whole new meaning.

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