Thursday, February 21, 2008

WARNING: Controversial Subject Matter

This could be a highly controversial topic, and I know it might mess with some of your deeply-seated theological beliefs, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. I believe there is healing power in chocolate. Not just any chocolate, but specifically hot fudge.

As I mentioned may be the case, my girls moved out last Saturday. Needless to say, the past week has been an emotional one. Mood swings for no apparent reason, difficulty concentrating, etc. I told Leonard yesterday I didn't know why I was so moody and he told me he thought it was perfectly understandable. It's a major adjustment getting used to our children no longer living with us. It seems I'm almost going through the grieving stages. . .

Denial... oh, this all sounds exciting but in the end they'll wind up staying home. They won't really move.

Anger... this is NOT a smooth move... no one is taking care of the things they need to be taking care of... we rushed right into this without proper preparation. THIS IS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!

Bargaining... well, if we can just have Ellie a couple of times a week... and we'll go over to Jenelle & Rachel's for supper once a week... they can come home once a week. Bring your laundry over-- you can stay and visit.

Depression... my babies.... MY BABIES!!!!

Acceptance... nope, haven't gotten there yet.

All these emotions are flooding my heart and my mind all the day long. But today . . . today I took action. I sent Leonard to get a hot fudge sundae. I know, it seems drastic. But drastic times call for drastic measures.

And I'm telling you... when he got back with that sundae and the hot fudge hit my taste buds, calmness began to take hold. There is nothing like the taste of hot fudge with a little ice cream to soothe every anxiety. The world is a better place because of hot fudge.

Now, this is purely speculation... no one could know for sure. But I think after Peter's mother-in-law was healed and she got up to make something to eat, I think it was hot fudge sundaes for everyone. It only makes sense. And Jairus's daughter? What do you think would really hit the spot after being raised from the dead? Oh, you know.

So, there it is. I've said it. I believe it. There's something very healing about a hot fudge sundae. And I'm going to live my life by this conviction.

Unfortunately, I may be living it a few pant-sizes bigger.


Amy said...

Hi Tracy - Thanks for popping in on my little piece of the internet. My kids are still little, but I already dread the day they leave home. And I totally agree with the healing power of food. Unfortunately, I tend to self-medicate all too often. :) But Coke does it for me. One sip of a Coke and everything seems right in the world, even if it's for just a brief moment in time. Take care and stop by any time!

Serenity said...