Thursday, September 30, 2010

How do I spend my time?

I've been thinking about time lately. I've heard people say through the years, "We are SO busy...we don't have any time for _______" (fill in the blank for what you are wishing you had time for.) As I've been thinking about it, however, I've decided that for the most part I think we MAKE time for what we want to make time for. Maybe our problem is more with the reasons we do the things we do.

Let me explain. The obvious example for me right now is Aaron. If every single one of my days was completely booked for the next two weeks and I got word today that Aaron was coming home tomorrow, you can bet things would get rearranged and I would be at that airport to see him when he lands. Furthermore, there would be a whole evening cleared to invite ALL our friends and family over for a HUGE celebration. Nothing would stop this from happening. It's very, very important to me. We make time for what's important to us.

On the other hand, what if we are driven to get people's approval? To always "do the right thing" so people will think highly of us? What if we fill our days with meetings, volunteering, counseling those who are hurting, giving people rides to where they need to go, etc. etc. etc. Those are great things to do if that's what's in your heart, if you're driven by love. But if you're doing it merely because you think it makes you a better person, it becomes about you, not them. You ignore the things that you know are important to you so you can continue doing these tasks that you're convinced make you a super Christian.... and bitterness is soon to follow. You resent the people you're helping for taking up your time, and you resent all the other "Christians" who aren't doing as much as you are for everyone.

Or, what if your reason is money? Let's face it, we need money to live. But there are a couple of things I want you to think about. First, how many of us work at jobs we don't like simply because we want more? We want nicer houses, cooler stuff, better vacations. And to get those things, we have to work hours and hours and hours doing something we hate. Or, what if we have to work those hours just to meet our basic needs, but instead of focusing on all the opportunities God may have for us to minister, we focus on getting it over with and collecting our money. If we work, most of us see people every single day. What an opportunity to listen to the Spirit of God to see if there's a difference we can make in someone's life. If only we could get the focus off ourselves.

Now, that's kind of easy for me to say right now because I'm finally in a position where I LOVE my job. But I've been there. I've been in those jobs where I struggle to keep a healthy focus, where I spend my time praying that something better will happen for me, rather than looking outward to see how I can touch others. And there are definitely things I wish I would have handled differently. But even the job I love... there are opportunities for me to make a difference in the lives of others, OR I can choose to focus on myself and my own needs. I can always make my day about me. But if I do, I'm not successful in my business and I'm not successful in my Christian life.

Lest we begin to think this is a post encouraging everyone to stop whatever you're doing, let me quickly move on to what my real encouragement is. If you're feeling your days are being taken from you, if you find your time is spent doing things you really don't want to be doing, spend some much-needed alone time with the Holy Spirit. Find somewhere quiet, where your time is His alone. Let Him help you discover your purpose, your method, your niche so to speak. Let Him ignite the passion for whatever He created you for. He created you with a very special personality to use with special gifts and talents. Take the time to ask Him what He wants you to do. And even ask Him what you can be doing right where you are. Commit yourself to resisting all the distractions Satan would use to lure you away, and let life become about Him again.

I trust you'll find it's amazing how enjoyable time becomes.


Diane said...

Great post and advice. We do make time for the things we really want to do and I am so guilty of not making enough time for God. Thanks for this reminder.

Tracy said...

I hope I didn't make you feel guilty, Diane! That wasn't my intent. It's just such a wonderful thing when we find that place we really belong and we know we're living our lives right in our sweet spot! Often times we pick up a lot of stuff that we really weren't meant to and life becomes a drudgery. The theme of this post is let it all go and follow His path for you....let that passion rise up and really LIVE!

Meg Luby said...

great post, and fantastic advice. i am rather certain we are all guilty of not making time, thanks for reminding us all what is important!

love your blog, happy fall!!