Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Well-Lit Path

I'm back. After taking quite a break from blogging to do a lot of soul-searching, I'm back.

The past couple of weeks, I feel that God has been leading me to a place of deeper trust. It's easy to trust that God is in control when everything is going as you think it should. Or even as you think HE would think it should. But when things happen that make no sense... when you can't understand how it could possibly fit into His plans... when you especially can't see how He could even be okay with it... that's when it's easy to feel like your faith is shaken.

It's all subject to change (my thoughts are evolving) but for now, these are some of the things I've been thinking about:

1. God is in control even when the world seems out of control. He won't leave us. He won't let go of us. He'll continue to give us peace in the times when peace seems like an impossibility. And he will always, always, always bring good out of the situation, no matter how badly it begins. When His hand touches it, everything becomes possible.

2. For as long as I live, I will cringe when people only say God was watching over them/protecting them when they arrive to their destinations safely. I've seen more than enough untimely deaths... but I KNOW God was watching over them. I KNOW He never withdrew His protection. Sometimes people don't arrive to their destinations safely. Sometimes they leave this earth a lot sooner than it seems they should. But that is never a measure of God's protection or how closely He is watching over them.

3. It's going to take me a lot longer than I thought to really understand that it's not all about this world. I have thought I understood that life is really about things that are eternal, that life in the Spiritual realm is all that truly matters. But I've found I still care an awful lot what happens in this world. I come around in the end...realizing that the time will come when we will all be together in a place where life is as it should be. But sometimes it takes awhile. Sometimes what happens in this life is all I can see.

4. I want to live whatever days I have left on this earth doing what the Father wants me to do. I want to help others see the love and sacrifice that Jesus made just so we could be close to him. I want to hear His voice clearly, and have the vision and the passion to walk out anything He has for me to do, no matter how easy or hard it may be. I want to seek first His kingdom, and know I never have to sweat the other stuff.

5. I want greater faith. I want to know and believe that he will show me the steps I should take. I want to spend time in His presence. I want to live in His light.

And no matter where my path leads... if I'm following Him, it's exactly where I want to be.


Emma Anne said...

I loved what you said in #3. I think I'm on a similar journey--thought I understood that God was first and the world should pale in comparison to Him, but over the past year and a half, He has shown me so many ways that I have made the world and success and money an idol. I would have never said it was true, but it was. And even now that He's opened my eyes, I find myself slipping back into familiar habits and patterns, thinking "when we get out of this situation, then I'll be able to get the mattress that I really want" or whatever. We are taken care of, and we know that what is coming will put even the best things in this life to shame.

I left you a comment a few days ago, but for some reason, I didn't say how I found your blog. I was randomly searching with the Next Blog button and saw yours. I was all excited that it was pink ;), and then I started reading and realized that you have beautiful things to say. Thank you for writing.

KassiB said...

That's deep! I really like #3 and #4. I'm a new teacher and am so focused on my JOB that I'm not focused on my spiritual responsibilities. I've lost so many opportunities to make a SPIRITUAL impact in my student's lives because I'm so focused on getting them to get their homework turned in or have them pay attention in class. In the end, their grades and even their knowledge of the content won't matter. It's all temporary. God has called me to where I am to make a supernatural difference. Thanks for the encouragement! God bless in your search for faith and God's will!

Anonymous said...


that song is "Unafraid" by Worth Dying For,i truly love the song and it talks about our Father, God.

God is so great, he is the ever-lasting savior, light, beauty, strength, hope, etc. God is my everything, that is for sure.

"With God all things are possible!"

"i'm unafraid to lift my hands and sing, im unafraid..to shout out loud your name..take me Lord,i want you more than anything, i pray!"

God is so good for us, keep letting his love and light shine through you..keep striving to fulfill the purpose he has set out for you! Praise God forever!!

God Bless You :)

Dave Sargeant said...

Thank you for your comments. You have a wise Pastor. Dave.( my blog ' Beauties of creation '. Also found you by next blog button.

Tracy said...

Thanks to all of you for the encouraging comments! SweetSpot...I think I've come to the conclusion this will be a lifetime journey of learning to let things go! It's nice to hear you can relate.
KassiB...that is SO COOL that you have a renewed passion to make a real difference in your students' lives. You have the opportunity to reach A LOT of people you won't ever know just by touching these students you do know! I want to approach every work situation with that heart.