Monday, March 15, 2010

The Unknown

My husband and I work together and we love it. A lot of people have asked if it has caused stress in our marriage.... one woman said she couldn't even paint a room with her husband without getting in a fight!!! Fortunately, that's not the case for us. We run our office together, with my daughter occasionally coming in to help, and we really love being able to be together.

Recently, however, we found out that our situation may be changing. We are going to begin the process of being on straight commission. Now, this could go really, really well for us...or everything could fall apart around us. (During a recession is not the most comfortable time to rely on commissions for your livelihood.) There is a good possibility it could all go very well. However, that's not what I find myself thinking about. I find myself thinking about what could go wrong.

This isn't totally out-of-character for me. I seem to always want to be prepared for the worst. I want to have a game plan already in place, never to be caught off guard. On the other hand, God tends to want to break me of this need for control. Or should I say the "feeling" of we all know the control we think we have is merely an illusion.

As I was sharing this situation with a good friend, she told me something she had read about eagles. When eagles teach their young to fly, they pick them up, take them high into the air, and just drop them. The tiny eagle flails around, probably thinking, "What the heck, Mom??!!! I'm falling!! Hello??? I'm FALLING!" But before the young eagle hits the ground, the mother swoops him up and tries it again.

Eventually, the fear must subside a bit and the young eagle starts trying to fly. And if you've ever seen an eagle AFTER he's learned to fly... there is nothing that looks more beautiful, more natural, more freeing.

I believe there is a reason God is taking us down this path. We are not sure where the path will take us, but we know we want to live our lives serving Him in the best way we possibly can. No matter what lies ahead, our trust will be in Him.
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.               Isaiah 40:31

That's where we're headed. But we need to stop resisting the process of learning. We just need to trust Him as he teaches us to fly.


Rhonda said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe I found you....I think I could write your blog and you could write mine and no one would ever know the difference!!! Too funny really. We would probably make great friends because we are so much alike! I don't know if anyone would want to leave us alone together for too long though, we might get lost and freak each other out.....but it's ok because I'm sure we would devise a good contingency plan for all the 'just in case' stuff that might happen!!

Karen B said...

Beautiful post. I'm glad I found you!

Kathie said...

Very good. This speaks to where we are at right now too. Scary and exciting at the same time. Try to enjoy the view as you freefall... I am.

Sherry Goff said...

Beautiful post with great descriptions. It was very encouraging to me. I also believe God. my blog is called azahar. thanks for sharing your story.



selin.... said...

i like it veeeeerry much