Monday, November 16, 2009

The still and quiet voice.....

Ever have those times when you just feel like you're right on the verge of discovering something new and deeper in your relationship with God? This is one of those times for me. Is it about faith? hope and trust? giving? abiding? or all of the above? I'm not sure. I just feel like I'm about to discover something really magnificent about our relationship that will take it to a whole new level.

He seems so very close -- like he's whispering in my ear but it's just quiet enough I can't make out what he's saying. His words keep getting lost behind the worriesome voices... Our numbers are down at work this month--there are only two weeks left--how are we ever going to pull them up? .... Our daughter is facing major decisions in the direction her life is taking. So many outside influences. God, please let her hear your voice. .... Our son-in-law and daughter have so many obstacles to face in getting his legal status. They have such a young and beautiful family. Lord, please don't let them be ripped apart. ... so many voices. So much worry. It keeps going around and around in my mind. And in the background, I see him waiting. I hear him whispering. Why won't he step into the front and tell me what he has to say?

But it's in the back that he waits. He waits for me to choose to let go. He waits for me to still the worrisome voices. He waits for me to realize that all I have is him. All I have is his voice to calm the storms. So I let them go. My job, I give it to you. My daughters, I give them to you. Every situation that seems so impossible... I lay them at your feet. And it's then that he whispers.

Your future is secure.

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