Thursday, November 4, 2010

Illegal Immigration and the Titanic

Last night as I was thinking about Illegal Immigration, it occurred to me,  I think everyone is against Illegal Immigration. The difference is in what people want to do about we make it easier for them to get here legally or do we keep them out? I think even the Illegal Immigrants are against Illegal Immigration. Having to sneak over here and hide, always fearing the day they get's certainly not an ideal way to live. But what are their options?  After experiencing the poverty, corruption and danger in Mexico for a significant amount of time, I think I would find sneaking over here the lesser of two evils as well.

The go-to argument seems to be, "Well, they should wait their turn and come over legally." But do people realize the wait is often 20-25 years if you're coming from Mexico, if they are approved at all? If I were living in Mexico with no way to provide for my children and the wait was 25 years...I would equate that with an eternity. These people just want a chance at a better life. Should we deny them that chance just because it may threaten our comfortable lifestyles?

A few nights ago I was watching the Titanic. Remember the end, where they helped all the rich people get on rafts and left all the poor people die? That was sad, but it wasn't the scene that really got to me.

It was the scene of the handful of rich people in the raft with plenty of room for more. They sat in the distance, safe in their raft, and watched as people were screaming and dying in the water. One person said there was no way to save them all and if they went back they would be pulled over by the multitude and they would all die. That was certainly a legitimate concern.

But if the alternative was sitting back to watch them all suffer and die just to save myself....

I think I'd rather go down with the rest of them.


Anonymous said...

I agree Tracy. We need strong border security and policies in place for work visas. What do we do with those here illegally now. I like Aaron's example. May he return quickly and our Lord watch over him closely while he waits. Bill Beard

simplecookingwithdoris said...

It is unfortunate that the Mexicans have to deal with what they do, but the US cannot take on all of their problems at the expense of their own people. There is a reason why they are in a 20 year long line, because they ALL want to come over here. The US simply does not have the land or resources for EVERY citizen of Mexico. Letting EVERY one of them come over is not the answer, they need to address their own problems and help themselves. It is like the cheesy old saying goes "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

I live here in AZ and I have seen the devastating effects of illegal immigration. I have personally known many of these people and many of them do not simply come over here to "work for a better life." Many of them have a plan when they come here. Much of the time they come here and make a living out of literally having a baby every 5 years and staying on the system. Many of them come as fugitives and sell meth.

The welfare system here is so weighed down that the American single parent who only makes $8.00 an hour cannot get assistance with child care because the child care assistance program has literally been frozen up. In addition to that the medicaid program has been frozen up and a low income American Parent does not get any medical help for their children either.

Let's also not forget the fact that the Mexican drug cartels are running a muck here. People who have had their heads chopped off are found in the desert regularly since this is what they like to do when they make "examples" of folks. Also, ranchers are routinely killed on their own land that they have worked so hard for, but is trampled on and trashed every day by the illegals.

My theory is this, if your neighbor wants you to support their kids and you have kids of your own who are starving and need their vaccinations, do you go to your neighbors house and help their kids while you throw you own to the wayside? No, because that would just be stupid.

simplecookingwithdoris said...

Also, if the government does make it "easier" for these folks to come over on a visa, I do think that certain provisions should be in place. These folks should come here completely self supporting and not be allowed to collect any sort of government benefits for themself or any kids that they decide to have here.

simplecookingwithdoris said...

And you'd rather go down with the rest of them than protect the future of your kids and grand kids? SERIOUSLY???????? Well, I can tell you right now that if it were most of the latin american immigrants that I know here in AZ out in the ocean with you, you would not have to worry about that. Most of the latin american immigrants here would just assume throw you off of your raft and watch you drown in the ocean than go down with you or any other American. Most of the latin american immigrants here not only hate Americans, they have a "nick name" for most of us which is "blancita". Do you know what "blancita" translates to? It translates to "whitey" or "cracker".

Tracy said...

I certainly agree with SOME of what you say. All illegal immigrants do NOT come over here with good intentions. That's why I don't think there can be a one-law-fits-all answer. I do not think immigrants should be able to come over and get on our welfare system. If they can work and make a better life for themselves here, that's great. But being supported on our welfare system should not be an option.
It sounds like you have plenty of bitterness when it comes to the "latin american immigrants". And you may certainly have seen some bad people. I would just urge you not to judge everyone to be the same just because of their race. I am white, and I can name off plenty of white criminals that I certainly hope people don't equate me with just because I'm the same color.
And, whether it makes sense to you or not, I would have to say absolutely yes. I am grateful that our family would give our lives trying to help others who are hurting rather than just looking our for our own well-being. I feel it's what God has called us to do.