Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The grass is greener if you love what you have!

Sometimes I let myself slip into the place where I don't fully appreciate what I have. Today was one of those days.

I was sitting at work just wishing I could go home, wondering why I couldn't win the lottery and spend the rest of my life vacationing. And then it hit me. I have everything I've ever wanted. Not just some of it... ALL of it!

From the time I was a little girl, all I wanted was to get married and have a family. I wanted a home that we could fill with memories. I wanted to experience real family life, real love.

I remember after the girls were born I was working full-time and praying every day in my journal that somehow I could stay home with them. Within a couple of years, God answered that prayer. I even got to Homeschool them for a year... what an incredible experience! And now I have a job where I actually get to work with my husband every day. We get the opportunity to build lots of new relationships, and we have an incredibly flexible schedule where we can make time to volunteer at City Impact, help with church events, or be there for our family when they need it. What an amazing place we are in right now.

And there I sat, wishing for something else. For a moment, I thought the grass might be greener elsewhere. But then I realized it's lush and green right here where I am. I just need to open my eyes.

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