Thursday, April 15, 2010


I recently read something that said if we worry, we are in effect saying that our particular situation is more important than God's command to be joyful in all things. I've been thinking about it ever since.

Do you wonder why God told us to be joyful in all things? It would almost seem that He couldn't have possibly been serious about that one. There are so many things that can hit us from so many different directions. At any given time, most of us have a whole list we could choose from of things to worry about. And yet, we are to trust God, and let go of the worry...???

If we're honest, part of the problem we have with trusting God is that He may not handle our situation the way we want it handled. Oh, we know. We've all had those times where God did things TOTALLY different than we wanted him to. We want to be able to trust God to do what we want Him to do. We're not that interested in Him doing what He thinks is best. Dear God, how smart do we think we are???? Somewhere deep inside of us, we actually believe we should hang onto it so it gets handled the way we know it should. We think we know what would be best for us. And somewhere inside, we're not totally convinced God cares what is best for us.

Through blogland, I met a girl named  Rhonda who really says some great things about keeping your joy, and what it is about our troubles that we can be grateful for. You should definitely check it out. I've been pondering those things, too. In fact, I'm totally intrigued by this whole topic. And I think I'm in the process of completely redefining what it means to me to trust God.

God is interested in what's inside of me. He's interested in my growth, my maturity. He's interested in helping me learn to love genuinely, serve selflessly, and most importantly to be a light that shines toward Him. Those things are what's important. But many of us have bought into a lie. The lie that our comfort in this world is what's most important. That if God really cared, and if He really wanted us to trust Him, he would help us avoid suffering, achieve our personal dreams, have financial independence....the list goes on and on. We still think this world is what's important.

None of those things are bad in and of themselves. There is absolutely nothing wrong with achieving your dreams or having financial security. And we certainly don't need to be going out looking for some way to suffer. The problem comes when we value those things over the things that God values. We should love every trial that helps us see and know God better. We should rejoice when things have played out God's way instead of ours. If we have achieved a dream or financial security... we should be willing to lay it down in a heartbeat for any opportunity to learn to love more, serve more, be more of a hope to those who desperately need an encounter with Jesus.

So in trusting God, my quest becomes this: To lay it down. Not just the problem, but every thought I have of how the solution should play out. I want to offer God a clean slate, not some multiple choice options of how I'd like it handled. He knows what's important. And He's promised to work all things for good. What HE knows is good...not what I think I've figured out to be good. Trust is not just trusting Him with the problem. It's believing that whatever He decides to do with it is by far the best possible thing that could be done, and jumping on board with His plan no matter where it leads me.

God, help me trust you.


Shelcy L Plueckhahn said...

Thanks for sharing. God has really been teaching me about trusting him. I find confirmation in your words.

cara said...

I am a pretty new blogger, though to supplement I posted some old writings of mine from a few years back. So, I was just thumbing through blogs and stumbled upon yours. Love what I read of this post, and thought it uncannily similar to what I just posted on mine the other day about kids being happy. Plus, you and I both chose the same format/color scheme for our blogs. It all just struck me as quite interesting! Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

I'm passing by * new at blogging.

Good blog Good blog! (:

zolanana said...

I am a new blogger too and I will continue reading your stories. God chenged my life. I am grateful that I recognized it after 48 years in the world. Sine 5 years a Christian made me a better person and I am blessed and happy than every before.

Valia Lind said...

Thank you for sharing that with the world. Worrying is such a huge part of our lives, when it really shouldnt be. For example, I am a first time author and I was looking for followers for my blog and stumbled upon yours. I have been so worried that my book promotion would just be a waste of time and here I opened up your blog and God reminded me to trust Him! My book centers a lot around trusting the Lord (its a christian romance novel) and you just reminded me of that :) Thank you for your words! If you get a chance take a look at my blog:

Anonymous said...

I think Ecclesiastes's "there is a time for everything" passage is also great to remember. There may be a time when you worry, but it too will pass :)

Dawn said...

I agree with everything you have said about worry,especially the last paragraph about laying it down "letting go and letting God" The biggest problem is that as humans there are definite hurdles to being able to do that. We have had an incredibly difficult few months and have striven hard to leave the situation to God to resolve in His own way. Our hearts know that we can trust Him for all that we need, whether we realise that it is what we need or not, our heads know the same thing but here is the thing - our heads do know it but won't quit working at it in those unguarded moments. When we lay down to sleep suddenly there it is - buzzing round the mind like an annoying bluebottle and the more we try to ignore it the more it buzzes. If you have any insight on how to swat that fly I would be so grateful - I know God has never let us down, even when He sometimes pushes us uncomfortably close to the edge, but how do I turn off the unruly, truculent mind?

Tracy said...

I'm so sorry, Dawn, to hear that your months have been difficult. Believe me, we have had our share of trials as well, and it's never easy. It seems like the temptation is always there to believe that what we have in this world is all there is. But the greatest thing I ever realized is that I could lose everything...ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING... in this world, and as long as God remains near me, I have all I need. Just trust that he'll remain near you. Trust that he'll give you the grace and the strength to walk through whatever you need to walk through. And best of all, trust that he will show you something through all of it that will be of great benefit to you for all eternity. I will pray for you, and I will pray that you truly sense the closeness of God's presence.