Monday, January 12, 2009

She still seems so close....

We took Jenelle to Minnesota on Thursday and left on Friday without her. Nothing seemed right about that. In fact, I asked Leonard through a flood of tears, "If this is the right thing to do, then why does it feel so wrong?" I don't think there is anything that could have made me feel good about driving away from ANYWHERE knowing we were leaving our daughter behind.

But here we are yet again in a brand new situation. We have a daughter who lives in a different state. 6 1/2 LONG hours away. I have to admit it took me a couple of days to come to grips with it. But today was her first day of classes and we've talked to her on the phone a couple of times already. I can hear in her voice that she is having the time of her life. She has made lots of friends already, she has gotten through her first day of classes without a hitch, and she is thoroughly enjoying the whole campus atmosphere.

Hearing the enthusiasm in her voice and knowing that these are the life experiences that are going to cause more growth in her than ever before somehow makes it easier. She is moving on with her life. She has real goals and a real plan to reach them. She doesn't need me to take care of her anymore--she's totally capable of taking care of herself. She's not my baby girl anymore, but she is an amazing and talented woman whom I deeply admire.

That makes her seem much closer.


Amy said...

Oh this brings back memories from when I left for college. I was only 3 hours away, but I left a boyfriend and all my friends at home and went to college. I cried the entire first weekend while my parents were still there. I was especially sad at night sleeping in a new place instead of the house I lived in my entire life. I still remember sitting at breakfast at the hotel with my folks on Sunday and crying - my mom said "that's it, she's coming home" and my dad said "oh no she's not!!". That night we were getting all my junk situated and my dad said "it's time for dinner - you go to the cafeteria, and we'll be here when you get back". So I had to go - ALONE!!! I got my food and saw a girl sitting alone and asked if I could sit with her. I sat, we began to talk. I said "I'm so sad I can hardly stand it" and she said "me too" and we started crying over our dinners. Then laughing. Then some other girls came to sit with us. Before I knew it, I had my best friends for the next 4 years sitting around me. I ran back to the dorm and proclaimed to my dad "I'm so happy - I just found some girls just as miserable as me!! You can go home now!!" Hilarious. My dad loves to tell that story!

Tracy said...

That is a GREAT story! I really felt like Jenelle would make lifelong friends while at college. Not only did your story reinforce that feeling--it also made me smile!